This statement by the Appledore & District ARC (hereafter referred to as the Club) informs you about what personal information the Club holds about you, why it is needed, and the steps the Club takes to protect its security. Your rights to request further information regarding your personal data held by the Club, or to withdraw permission for its use or retention, and to whom such requests should be directed, are also explained.
It is most important that you fully read and understand this Privacy Statement. Please do not hesitate to contact any Club Official if you require further clarification.
Personal Data held of Club Members
For any Club Member , the following personal data is held :-
Callsign (if applicable)
E Mail address
Home address
Telephone number
Membership Number
Receipt number
This data is controlled and maintained by a Data Controller/Processor whose contact details are given in the Club Newsletter (see below)
In addition, any photograph containing an image of a member is deemed within the terms of the new Data Protection Act to constitute personal data.
The above members’ personal data enables the Club to :
Maintain a membership list (requires all of the above data)
Maintain a Club Newsletter e mail mailing list (requires Name, Callsign, e mail address)
Maintain contact details in the event of the Club being wound down (requires Name, Home address)
In addition for Club Officers, Committee members and members holding specific responsibilities (including the Club Data Controller/Processor) the above personal data enables the Club to :
Publish in the Club Newsletter (accessible to the public), the Name and Callsign of all current Club Officers, Committee members and members holding specific responsibilities, and in addition publish the Name, Callsign, and E Mail address for both the Club Secretary and Newsletter Editor.
No data is made available to third parties without any member’s specific permission.
How Members’ Data is Stored and Protected
Members’ personal data is stored on the Club Website in a secure area accessible only to the Club Data Controller, Club Officers, Committee members and the Newsletter Editor via individually allocated, non changeable passwords with read only privileges. The data can only be edited by the Club Data Controller/Processor. Once a member steps down from holding any of the above positions, their password will be revoked.
Members’ personal data is only held for fully paid up members of the Appledore & District ARC.
Once a member’s membership ceases or lapses through non renewal (presently based upon non renewal by the end of May) their personal details will be held for one year and then deleted.
Honorary members personal details are treated as for paid up members except that Honorary members have life membership or until the Club is wound down, whichever is the sooner.
If an Honorary member wishes to resign from the Club, then their details will be deleted.
All Newsletters/group e mails sent to members use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) to hide other members’ e mail addresses.
Rights of Members to either give or refuse Permission for their Data to be Held
Having read and understood the full implications of the Club Privacy Statement, every Club Member will be asked to produce a written statement which either gives or denies permission for their Data to be held by the Club and any photographic images of them to be used in the Club Newsletter. If permission is withheld, then members should be aware that Club Newsletters and/or Club information would then only be available via the Club Website.
At any time, any member can request details of what personal data is held by the Club. Furthermore, any member can change the permissions given to the Club regarding their personal data by putting such a request in writing to the Club Data Controller/Processor- John G3JKL.
Appledore & District Amateur Radio Club May 2018