· These Club guidelines are authorised by the Committee and will be maintained by the Club Secretary.
· Any comments or amendments should by forwarded to the Sec. They will be reviewed annually.
· Nothing in these guidelines is intended to contradict the Club Constitution. Any inadvertent conflict should be brought to the attention of the Sec.
The objective of ADARC is to promote the educational hobby of Amateur Radio in the North Devon area as an affiliated club of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).
Club Officials
3 Elected Committee membership
Maximum 2 co-opted members with full voting rights
The Committee shall have the right to appoint Members to various Club Roles as and when the need arises. Such appointments shall automatically include eligibility to be co opted in a non voting capacity onto the Committee.
– The safety of Club members and members of the Public should always be the paramount consideration in the organisation of any Club events.
– In particular, Health & Safety regulations and the protection of minors and vulnerable adults must be fully considered in all Club activities.
– Members are responsible for their and the public’s safety when operating their stations and equipment when used for Club activities.
– Club membership is open to all, whether licensed and non-licensed, who have an interest in Amateur Radio.
– The annual subscription (currently £13) runs from March each year and members are requested to pay by end May. Late subscriptions will normally be accepted at the discretion of the Treasurer!
All members should complete a Club Membership Form which will be used by the Secretary to maintain a register of members.
– Members under 18 should have parents or guardians permission to join the Club.
– Members under 16 should be accompanied by an adult approved in writing by their parent or guardian.
A monthly meeting will be held in the Appledore area. Visitors are welcome, but regular attendance will normally be expected to lead to a request for Club membership.
– It is intended that one of the meetings each year will be on a non-radio theme to encourage family and friends to attend.
Monthly magazine (5&9)
– A monthly magazine will be e-mailed to members. Those who wish a hard copy can make arrangements with the Club Secretary for a postal copy, but must provide stamps or preferably an SAE.
Club Callsigns
– The Club holds the following callsigns :- GX2FKO and G2FKO
-The Club licence holder is G3JKL, who is responsible for the correct use of the Club call and approving the arrangements for use of this.
Operating standards
– Members should always operate within the terms of their OFCOM Licence. Foundation and Intermediate licence holders may operate the Club station at full power under the supervision of an approved full licensee.
– All members are encouraged to promote high operating standards and adopt the approved operating procedures as indicated on the accompanying RSGB ‘Good Amateur Radio Operating Practices’ document.
– This is particularly important when operating or joining Club nets. These may be listened to by a wide variety of SWLs, including Children, and visitors to the area. The regular nets act as the Clubs’ ‘Shop Window’
– Remember that all electronic communication is ‘open’. Never say anything on air that you would not be prepared to see reported on the front page of the ‘Daily X….’ !!
Club Equipment
– The Club has several transceivers and ancillary equipment. The Club Secretary acts as the custodian.
Equipment may be purchased or disposed of as agreed by the Committee. It may be necessary to raise money, on occasion, should members agree that significant new equipment purchase is desirable, and may be loaned to licensed club members for specific purposes.
Club Affiliation
– The Club will maintain an affiliation with the RSGB.
– The club also has affiliation with FISTS (No 15,870).
Operating Events/ Contests
– The Club will plan to run a station at various local public events during the year. This both helps to increase the profile of Amateur Radio with the public, and provides members with an opportunity to set up and operate a ‘temporary’ station. All Club members are encouraged to visit these events. Volunteers who assist in running and operating the station are particularly welcome, and it usually provides an ‘educational’ experience in one way or another.
– Although the Club is not historically a ‘Contest Club’, there are many smaller activity and special events that provide an ideal opportunity to experience and participate in station operation, with a good number of stations on the air. A Club aim is to encourage and facilitate members or groups who would like to participate in any of these (for example the RSGB club cumulatives).